In a world where there is no higher power, all meaning, and purpose cease to exist. Without a god there is no permanence to existence. Scientist alike agree that the universe is deconstructing. The sun will eventually burn out and all life will cease to exist on our blue planet.
When this happens, no amount of good deeds, humanitarianism, political movements, or environmental breakthroughs will serve any purpose. All will be for nothing. It wont matter if you lived a good life, or lived the life of Adolf Hitler. We will all be dust particles floating in the vast depths of space. Our consciousness will slip into nothingness and every person who has ever lived will be lost and forgotten.
In the same way, you cant talk about meaning or purpose in life without suggesting there is a higher power. Every word in language has a meaning, but if there were not such beings as man (without going into depths about the possibility of life on other planets), language would not exist, nor would it serve any purpose. In the same way believing in a meaning to life suggest one who created that meaning or purpose. Without the creator of the meaning, it has none. You may argue that meaning is self-appointed, that we create our own meaning to our own lives. My argument to them is have at it. In do time it will only show how futile any self-appointed meaning is. Like i said above. All life will soon cease to exist and any meaning or purpose that is not permanent lacks any lasting effects in the universe we live in.
In my layman opinion, the meaning of life is the most important question any man can ask himself. We all must meet our fate, whether there's more to life than meets the eye, or if we just cease to exist after death. Nobody lives forever in there human bodies and nobody will ever escape death. So where does this leave us? Well it leaves us in the mystery and adventure to finding truth in this twisted obscure thing we call life. Each of us is responsible for asking the important questions in life. Any thinking man has this engraved in the back of his mind.
Some may argue that nobody will know the truth until each man reaches his end. I ask you if this is only your excuse not look into the more difficult questions. Perhaps you are afraid to discuss these questions in fear of being offensive or insensitive to others beliefs. Well perhaps our hearts and minds have fallen short of truth in the name of "political correctness." Ask the questions, be challenged, be satisfied with nothing until you discover truth.
Do I have all the answers? No, but I am one who is on a life-time quest in search for truth that will satisfy the questions which torment me day in and day out.