Monday, May 16, 2011


In three short words, I will systematically disprove everything you have ever believed in. These three, powerful words in the English language, will change your view on life forever. YOU. ARE. WRONG. You are wrong, because I am right. But don't worry. You are not the only person who is wrong. In fact, everybody who doesn't think/believe as I do, is inevitably wrong.

This is the logic that most of us hold. We hold on to our personal beliefs like a slice of bread in a concentration camp. Most of you, believe things, only based on what you've been told. Little effort has been taken to affirm, or discredit, anything you hold onto as truth. This is true for the religious, and non-religious alike. In fact, all of us are guilty of this at one time or another.

Why are we so quick to settle? One reason, its easy. Challenging your beliefs is about as pleasant as washing your mouth out with turpentine, and the truth is, we will never find any absolutes. I have spent years studying religion, philosophy, and science, and I KNOW, about as much as a kid, who has flipped over his handlebars one too many times. If anybody holds any intellectual integrity, they will agree with Socrates, when he said, the more we learn, the more we are aware of our own ignorance.

I, like most Americans, was raised with a Judeo-Christian background. Now I will inform you, I have had a handful of powerful experiences, in which I have seen, felt, experienced, what most would call the spiritual realm. If anything, you would think, that these experiences would confirm my beliefs. On a good day, they do. But there are some days it all seems very improbable to me. A lot of days, I wallow in depression, from what appears to be a meaningless life. A lot of days, it all seems like bullshit. All of these things that I have experienced, turn into a misfired wire in my brain, a dream, that over time, I remember as an actual event, or a complete hallucination.

But all my doubts aside, I have one constant I fall back on. I am a man who needs hope. Hope in something larger then myself. Hope in something that transcends this life, into the next. The hope I am speaking of, transforms the emptiness of life, into something beautiful, because with this hope, all things are made right. With this hope, all things have purpose.

The only one, who I can put my hope into, is this guy named Jesus. Despite my consistent tendency to doubt everything that I have ever believed, I fall back on this guy. Not because I should, but because I have to. Without this hope, I am a train wreck.

Some may view this as a weakness. Perhaps they are right. This, for me, does not put my faith into question. It is only in my weakness, that I see His strength. Only when I give up, he carries me where I need to go.

So question your beliefs. Hell, even doubt them. I believe it will only take you to where you need to go. But remember, we will never find any absolutes. We only find absolutes in mathematics, and God cannot be found in a formula. Either God is, or he isn't. But if you are like myself, when you look inside of yourself, you will find something you need. Something so fundamental, you realize you need it more than anything. It is something that brings permanence. It is something that brings purpose, and meaning. Its hope. So I will ask, what are you putting your hope into?

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