Tuesday, September 4, 2012


In a day of political correctness, there are many negative stigmas attached to Jesus. In some sense, this is understandable. Jesus may be the most politically incorrect person who has ever lived. Jesus, came along, and told the world that he is the only way to salvation. Not one of the ways, but the only way. If there was a picture attached to the phrase 'politically incorrect', it would probably be Jesus giving two thumbs up.
Jokes aside, truth is a one way street. Either Jesus was telling the truth, or he wasn't. There really isn't a middle ground for a guy who claimed to be God and tells the world that he is the only way to redemption.
I am one of those odd characters who believes that Jesus was telling the truth. For me, its not a matter of political correctness, or being sensitive to others opinions, its about sharing the most beautiful story that was ever told.
The gospel is incredibly simple. It is a story wrapped in hope, beauty, love, and redemption. Jesus, sacrificed himself, so that we could be washed clean in the eyes of God. He took the cross quietly, humbly, and willingly. It is the greatest story ever told.
I have always loved watching the sun rise. Its the perfect metaphor for salvation. With each sunrise, we get a fresh start because Jesus decided that we were worth the cost. The cost that he alone paid, so that we could experience redemption.
Redemption starts now, its not something that we look forward to. It transcends into every aspect of our lives. We have the freedom to live our lives, make mistakes, fail, succeed, and continue to press forward, because Christ paid a price. This to me, is simply amazing.

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